2 Ways to Backup and Restore SQL Server Database

Hey! are you want to know how to take easily backup and restore SQL server database then should follow these article.

Backup and Restore SQL Server Database

Method 1 – Using SQL backup and FTP

How to Backup and Restore SQL Server Database using SQL backup and FTP Tool?

SQL backup tool is one of the best SQL server database backup tools via which you can easily take backup and restore the database. You can easily backup your database on a local or network folder, FTP server. Apart from this, you can also schedule the SQL database backup and set the email confirmation.

To download SQL backup and FTP Utility click here-

To backup, your Microsoft SQL database follow these steps-

  1. Navigate to SQL backup and FTP.
  2. Select your database and browse and set the location of store backups.
  3. Click on Run now.
SQL database backup

4. Now, you can see Job execution has been finished.

5. Click on Close.

backup done of SQL SERVER DATABSE

How to restore Microsoft SQL database using backup utility tool?

To restore SQL database using backup utility tool follow these steps-

  1. Navigate to backup folder and extract the ZIP folder.
  2. double click on batabase backup file.
  3. Click on restore.
restore SQL database

4. Now your database has been restored.

5. Finish.

How to store SQL data backup on the FTP server?

To store SQL database backup on the FTP server follow these steps-

  1. Navigate to SQL backup and FTP.
  2. Click on FTP settings.
  3. Fill the following information-

Host address: Destination folder for data backup.

User and password of Host address.

4. Click on Save & Close.

SQL data backup save on FTP Server

How to schedule SQL database backup?

To schedule SQL database backup follow these steps-

  1. Navigate to SQL Backup and FTP.
  2. Select schedule this job and click on advaced shedule.
  3. Now set backup schedule, click on save and close.
schedule SQL BACKUP

Method II – Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

How to Backup and Restore SQL Server Database Using SQL Server management Studio?

To Backup follow these easy steps-

  1. Navigate to Microsoft SQL Server managment Studio.
  2. Expand the Database and right click on selected database.
  3. Select Tasks and click on Back UP.
SQL Backup using Microsoft SQL Studio

4. Select your backup destination and click on OK.


5. Now, you received the message of “the backup of database completed successfully.”

6. Click on OK.

backup done successfully

How to restore SQL database using Microsoft SQL Management Studio?

To restore follow these steps-

  1. Navigate to MSSMS.
  2. Expand the database and select database.
  3. Click on Task and select restore.
  4. Select souce location of database and click on ok.
restore database using SQL database

So, This is all about the “Backup and Restore SQL Server Databaseiness”. Please comments on this article. if you have any doubts and queries please Comments to us.

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