TOP:25 MS-DOS Commands list With Example | list of DOS commands

In this article, We will know about the top 25 MS-DOS commands list with examples in detail. Nowadays it is time for GUI mode but sometimes DOS commands Play a Vital role in solving the issue.


DOS Commands List Descriptions and Examples

Internal DOS Commands list:

CLS is internal Dos Command used to Clean the screen content.

Command Format:-

C:\> CLS and press enter.

This is I.D.C used to know the version of O.S. running.

Command Format:-

C:\>VER and press enter.

The Volume command is an internal command used to know the volume name & serial number of the disk (Hard Drive, Pen Drive, etc).

Command Format:

C:\>Vol and press enter.

Date is an internal do command used to know and modify system date.

Command Format:

C:\>Date and Press enter.

The current date is 17:10:2020

Enter New Date mm: dd: yyyy and press enter.

Time is an internal do command used to know the system time and to modify also.

Command Format:

C:\>Time and Press enter.

The tree is an internal Command used to see the directory structure in the disk.

Command Format:

C:\>tree and Press enter.

Note:- This command will work on a DOS-based system

MD is an internal do command used to create directory in the disk.

Command Format:

C:\> MD Dir Name and press enter.


c:\>md vijay and press enter.

CD is internal dos command used to change the directory (to insider or come out).

Command Format:

C:\> CD Dirname and press Enter.


C:\> CD Vijay and press enter.

RD is internal DOS command used to remove (delete) empty directory.

Command Format:

C:\>rd directory name and press enter.

C:\>rd abc and press enter.

Command Format:

  • Display all the content in one go.

C:\> dir and enter.

  • Display all the content of disk page wise.

C:\>dir/p and Enter.

  • Display all the content include hidden also, page wise.

C:\>dir/a/p and enter.

  • Display all the files of any disk starting with characters.

C:\>dir a * and press enter.

  • searching any file/directory in the disk.

C:\>dir file/dir name /s/p/a and press enter.

Copy con is an internal do command used to create the file in the disk.

Command Format:

C:\>copy con file name ,enter and press F6 and enter(one file copy).

Type command is an internal command used to view the content of any file.

Command Format:

C:\> type file name ↲

Del is an Internal DOS command used to delete the files.

Command Format:

  • Delete one file.

C:\> Del file name ↤

  • Delete all the file on any Directory.

C:\>ABC>del *.* enter.

REN is an internal do command used to change the name of any directory.

Command Format:

C:\> Ren old name new name and press enter.

Move is an internal command used to change the name of any directory.

Command Format:

C:/> move old dir(name) new dir (name) and press enter.

The label is an internal command used to change the volume name of the disk.

Command Format:

C:\> label new name and, Press enter.

REM is an internal Dos command used to not execute any command.

Command Format:

C:\> Rem Command Name and, Press Enter.

Note:- REM command is mainly used inside the autoexce.bat, config.sys, etc.

The path is an internal DOS command used to inform about the location of commands.

Command Format:

C:\>path+location and, Press enter.

Prompt is an internal dos command used to design the appearance of a drive letter.

Command Format:

  • Natural prompt
    • C:\>prompt $N$G and, press enter.
    • C>
  • Standard Prompt
    • C:\> prompt $p$G and press enter.

The copy is an internal DOS command used to copy files from one location to another.

Command Format:

General Format:

C:\> Copy source Drive\source path\ files name \ Target Drive \Target Path.

Example :-

C:\> Copy C:\ABC\*.* D:\xyz and, Press enter.

External DOS commands List

CHKDSK is an external dos command used to find the disk info and also solve file linking problem in the disk.

Command Format:

c:\>chkdks and, Press enter.

To solve the file interlinking problem used following Command-

C:\>chkdsk/f and press enter.

Scandisk is an external dos command and a very common utility to solve a wide range of DISK problems.

Command Format:

C:\>scandisk and, Press enter.

Note:- In general running, Scandisk in a month will increase system performance.

This is an external DOS command and utility used to manage data in the disk. This command will run after the Scandisk. This is also called data management utility.

Command Format:

C:\>defrag and, press enter.

Xcopy is an external Command used to transfer the data from one location to another.

Command Format:

C:\>xcopy source drive\*.*/e \Target Path and, enter.

This is an external Command used to check the printer Port (LPT-Port).

Command Format:

C:\>dir>prn and, and press enter.

DOS commands list in PDF

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