Top 8 Application of Computer in Education

The contribution of computers is in every field. In this article, let us know the Application of Computer in Education.

Application of Computer in Education

The contribution of the computer in the 21st century cannot be forgotten, because Computer has contributed a lot to the rapidly growing world. The computer plays a vital role in whatever work you do in your daily life.

Earlier, it was mainly used by large organizations for research and engineering applications. But today, the computer is being used in almost every field of our life.

If you go to any sector, you will definitely see a computer, such as Military, Bank, Research, Education, Media & Communication, Criminal Identification, and LAW Enforcement, Entertainment, Business, Animation, and Films:

In the field of entertainment, Book Publishing, Commercial Purpose, Engineering and Manufacturing, Sports, Medical Science, Government Sector, Library, and Museum, etc.

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Computers have brought a revolution in the teaching and learning process. This is one of the advantages of technology in education. Education can be imparted at the doorsteps of the learners with the help of computers.

The quality of education is also improved with the advent of computers. Computer helps students to learn according to their own needs ability and availability. Application of Computer in Education are followings-

Application of Computer in Education

1. Easy to Maintain the Record

A computer as a tool of education administration for maintaining data on schools, enrolments courses, Examinations, results, Infrastructure, financial records and library records, etc.

You can maintain the record of any record, such as student details, examination details, financial details, through computer and whenever you required any information can find easily.

2. Quick Access to Education

If you are a student then you can easily search any topic-related information within minutes through the computer. Earlier, when the use of computers and the internet was not much in the education sector, then we had to know anything new, so we had to purchase new books.

Similarly, teachers can also easily collect any information through computers and can teach students. Apart from this, you can easily get any notification through the internet so that you do not need to visit college.

3. Computer Based Training

CBT is a different supplies program that is supplied on an external drive or digitally transfer. These programs include text, graphics, and sounds. Audio and Video are recorded on an external drive or CDs.

Computer Based Training CBT

CBT is a low-cost solution for educating people. You can train a large number of people together easily. There are benefits of CBT are followings-

Benefits of CBT (Computer Based Training)

  • The student can learn new skills at their own pace. They can easily acquire knowledge at any available time of their own choice.
  • Training Time can be reduced.
  • Planning and timing problems are eliminated.
  • The skill can be taught any time at any place.

4. Easy to Make any Documents

Students can easily create any documents through the computer so that they will not need a hard copy. Microsoft office is one of the best software for students to create all the documents such as resumes, notes, presentations, etc.

Similarly, all the people associated with the education system can easily make documents according to them through the computer. The contribution of computers to the education system in the Corona era cannot be forgotten.

5. Easy for Distance Learning

A computer plays a vital role in distance learning. You can do all the work through the computer from home. The contribution of computers to distance learning is as follows-

  • Students can easily find online distance learning colleges and apply for admission.
  • Easy to download prospectus and study material.
  • University can easily issue notification through computer.
  • Students can check online fee submission, results, previous year questions, etc.
Application of Computer in Education

6. Online Video on different Subject

If you are studying any other subject and are interested in any other subject then you can easily read different subjects online. There are many platform forms online where you can easily join classes or watch them directly. You can look for online classes on Google Classes, YouTube, etc.

7. Innovative Technology in Learning

Innovative technology is used in the education system so that students can easily understand any topic. The innovative technology uses games or a student’s interest topic via student can easily understand any topic in a fun way.

8. Online Library

In the age of computers, you do not need to visit the library. There are many online libraries available nowadays, you can easily read the book of the online library through the computer.

Online Library

World Digital Library, Project Gutenberg, Universal Digital Library, Project Gutenberg, and Biblio are some top Online libraries where you can read e-books, Magazines, Films, Maps, essays, poetry, etc.

FAQ: Application of Computer in Education

Q1. What is the Computer Usage in Education?

Ans. There are some top Computer Usage in Education are followings-
Easy to Maintain the Record
Quick Access to Education
Computer-Based Training
Easy to Make any Documents
Easy for Distance Learning
Online Video on different Subject
Innovative Technology in Learning
Online Library

Q2. What is the use of computers in the education system?

Ans. The Use of computers in the education system-
Easy to Maintain the Record
Quick Access to Education
Computer-Based Training
Easy to Make any Documents
Easy for Distance Learning
Online Video on different Subject
Innovative Technology in Learning
Online Library

Q3. Write Top 5 Application of Computer in Education?

Ans. The top 5 Applications of Computer in Education are followings-
Easy to Maintain the Record
Quick Access to Education
Computer-Based Training
Innovative Technology in Learning
Online Library

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