What are charts in Excel? Types of charts in Excel | Components of charts in Excel

A chart is a graphical representation of data in a worksheet. It helps to provide a better understanding of large quantities of data. Charts make it easy to draw comparisons and see growth and relationships among the values, and trends in data.

What are charts in Excel Types of charts in Excel Components of charts in Excel

They provide an accurate analysis of information. These charts share some common features, which assist the users in comprehending the data logically.

Types of charts in Excel


It illustrates the data comparison between individual items. It displays data in the form of long rectangular bars placed horizontally in the chart area. You can also display the bar chart in stacked form to understand the relationship between different entities. They can be displayed as 3D graphics.



A column chart is used to display data that shows different trends in time. A column chart is the default chart type of MS Excel. It is comparatively quite easy to understand. In this type of chart, categories are organized horizontally, and the values are vertical to emphasize the magnitude of change over time.


A Line chart is in the form of lines and is used to illustrate trends in data at equal intervals. A Line char is quite similar to plotting a graph paper with its values on the X and Y axis. It is useful in emphasising continuity showing change in data over time. It is generally used to compare trends for some time.


It is a unique version of a line or column graph. type of chart has a more significant visual pact than a Line chart. It emphasizes the magnitude, i.e., the volume of change over By showing the sum of the plotted values, an Area chart also displays the relationship of f parts to the whole.

AREA CHART and scatter Chart


This chart either shows the relationships in several data series or plots two groups of numbers as one series of XY coordinates. This chart shows uneven intervals or clusters of data and is commonly used for displaying scientific data. The X-axis is usually assigned to an independent variable whose value is controlled or set by the experimenter. The variable Y then becomes the dependent variable. Each value depends upon the corresponding value of the variable X.


A PIE chart is used to display data in the form of a circle that is divided into a series of segments. It shows the proportional size of individual items that make up a data series to the sum of items.



It displays data as sections of a circle. It can have more than one data series, which attempts to add another dimension to the Pie chart. It is best suited for showing the proportional nature of data. A Doughnut chart represents data values as a percentage of the whole, while categories are represented by individual slices.


A chart is an ACHAR ay data in a pictorial form. A chart can be inserted after selecting the relevant data from the worksheet. Let us learn about the various components of a chart:

1. Chart Area: The chart area includes all the areas and objects in the chart. horizontal axis of a chart.

2. Category Axis: The category axis or X-axis is the chart’s horizontal axis.

3. Value Axis: The value axis or Y-axis is the vertical axis used to plot the values. It is located ON the left side.

4. Data Series: Data series are the bars, slices, or other elements showing data values.

5. Category Name: Category names are the labels, which are displayed on the X and Y axis.

6. Plot Area: The plot area is a window within the chart area.

7. Legend: It depicts the colors, patterns, or symbols assigned to the data series. It helps to differentiate the data.

8. Chart Title: It is used to the objective of the chart.

9. Gridlines: These can either be horizontal or vertical lines depending on the selected chart type. They extend the plot area of the chart.

Uses of Computer Chart in Daily Life

FAQ: What are charts in Excel, Types of charts in Excel, Components of charts in Excel 

Q1. What is the purpose of Inserting chart in a worksheet?

Ans. Charts help to provide a better understanding of large quantities of data through graphical representation. They also make it easier to draw a comparison and see growth and relationship among the values and trends in data. They provide an accurate analysis of Information.

Q2. Name some commonly used chart types in Excel.

Ans. Bar Chart, Column Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart, XY Chart, Pie Chart, and Donut Chart are some of the most commonly used chart types in excel.

Q3. Differentiate between the Line Chart and Pie Chart.

Ans. A Line chart is in the form of lines and is used to illustrate trends in data at equal intervals. A Line char is quite similar to plotting a graph paper with its values on the X and Y axis. It is useful in emphasising continuity showing change in data over time. It is generally used to compare trends for some time.

A PIE chart is used to display data in the form of a circle that is divided into a series of segments. It shows the proportional size of individual items that make up a data series to the sum of items.

Q4. What do you understand by the Area chart?

Ans. It is a unique version of a line or column graph. type of chart has a more significant visual pact than a Line chart. It emphasizes the magnitude, i.e., the volume of change over By showing the sum of the plotted values, an Area chart also displays the relationship of f parts to the whole.

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