Top Computer Networking Interview Questions & Answers: Part-1

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Computer Networking Interview Questions & Answers

Q1. What is Computer Network?

Ans. A computer network is a group of computers and peripheral devices, connected through a data communication system. It facilitates the sharing of hardware and software resources among different users.

Q2. What is Networking? Explain any three advantages of networking.

Ans. Networking is the practice of linking two or more computing devices together to share hardware and software resources among different users. Networking brings more efficiency and effectiveness to any organization. The three advantage of networking are as follow:

  • Software Sharing : Every application software can be installed on the main server rather than installing it on everey computer individually. Computer in a network can used the required software from the server. This technique saves cost as well as time.
  • Reduces Redundancy : In a common work place, since people use the same data they can share it over the network by saving and storing it centrly. This reduces the redundancy of the same data.
  • Internet sharing : A network reduces the cost of installing internet facility into every individual computer. A corporate internet conncetio is powerful enough to provides thsi ficilty to all computers in anetwork all the systems can enjoy the benifts of Internet in a Network.

Q3. What is a Modem? Mention its type.

Ans. Modem stands for Modulator-Demodulator. We know that a computer only understands the languages of ‘0’ and ‘1’., that is Binary Language.

The Modem from the senders’ site modulates the digital data into a signal which is compatible with the telephone line, i.e., analog signals. the receiving modem at the workplace demodulates this analog signal back into digital data. Hence, A Modem modulates as well as demodulates the signal. There are two types of Modem- Wireless Modem and Cable Modem.

Q4. Explain the top applications of the Internet in various fields.

Ans. (a) Electronic Mail (e-mail or Email). The most widely used network application is
E-mail, which is the forwarding of electronic files to an electronic post office for the
recipient to pick up.
(b) Scheduling programs allow people across the network to schedule appointments
directly by calling up their fellow worker’s schedules and selecting a time!
(c) Videotext is the capability of having a two-way transmission of picture and sound.
Games like distance education lectures, etc. use videotext.
(d) Groupware is the latest network application. It allows user groups to share
documents, schedules databases
(e) Teleconferencing allows people in different regions to “attend” meetings using
telephone lines.
(f) Automated Banking Machines allow banking transactions to be performed
everywhere: at grocery stores, drive-in machines, etc.
(h) Teleco~nmutinga allows employees to perform office work at home by “Remote
Access” to the network.
(i) Value Added Networks are common carriers such ‘as ERNET, Satyam, VSNL, etc. (they can be private or public companies) who provide additional leased line connections to their customers. These can be Frame Relay, ATM (Asynchronous Introduction to
Transfer Mode), X.25, etc.

Q5. What is Topology?

Ans. Topology is the physical structure of a network that defines how many computer or networking devices are connected to the network.

Q6. How many basic Topology in Computer networks?

Ans. There are five basic topologies in computer networks-

  • Star Topology
  • Mess Topology
  • Hybrid Topology
  • Bus Topology
  • Ring Topology

Q7. What is the Bus Topology?

Ans. In a Bus Topology, all the computers and resources are connected through a single cable. The bus topology is also known as a linear bus. The main advantage of Bus topology is that can easily be set up and can be easily moved from one location to another. A Network of Bus topology cannot become too big because if one bus breaks entire network will be down.

Q8. What is the Ring Topology?

Ans. In a Ring Topology, all the computers and resources are connected in the shape of a ring. In-Ring Topology, signals travel only in one direction and from one PC to the next until it reaches the appropriate node. It is also difficult to move a workstation or to add more computers to an existing ring.

Q9. What is the Star Topology?

Ans. In Star Topology, All the computers and resources are connected through a centralized device such as Hub and Switch. The Switch or Hub controls the network. If one node is down will down not be affected on the full network.

Q10. What is the Mess Topology?

Ans. A mesh topology is network configuration topology in a computer network where all the computers interconnected each other to only relay data from one computer to another. In Mesh topology connection may be LAN or WAN to communicate point to point connection on every node.

Q11. What is the Hybrid Topology?

Ans. Hybrid Topology is the combination of two or more physical or logical topologies that working together to communicate with each other. Another word hybrid topology in a computer network that consists of two or more mesh topology, star topology, Bus Topology, etc.

Q12. How many layers are in OSI Module?

Ans. There are seven-layer in the OSI module:-

  • Application Layer
  • Presenatation Layer
  • Session Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Data Link Layer
  • Physical layer

Q13. What is a Protocol?

Ans. A protocol is set up rules and regulations for communication between two network devices.

Q14. What is an IP address?

Ans. IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique address of any networking device vai they communicate with each other. An IP address is divided into two parts as Network and Hosts.

Q15. What is a Static IP address?

Ans. A static IP address is a type of IP address assigning where the user can define the IP address manually.

Q16. What is a Dynamic IP address?

Ans. A Dynamic IP address is a type of IP address assigned where the computer assigned IP to address itself.

Q17. How many types of Classful IP addresses?

Ans. There are five types of classful IP addresses-

IP address ClassRange
Class A1-126
Class B128-191
Class C192-223
Class D224-239
Class E240-255

Q18. What is the Different Between Public IP address and a Private IP address?

Ans. In Public IP address, you can manage the IP address on the local Network and choose the IP address from Class A to Class C.

Private IP address provided by Internet Service Provider to access of Internet. The private IP address you can access your network on globally. Private IP address is too important on large Organisations or Internet access.

Q19. How many types of IP address versions?

Ans. There are two types of IP address versions-

  • IPv4
  • IPv6

Q20. What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?

Ans. The difference between IPv4 and IPv6 are followings-

It is a 32-bit address of IP.It is a 64-bit of IP address.
IPv4 supports a numeric address and is separated by a dot.
IPv6 supports alphanumeric addresses that are separated by :

IPv4 has a checksum field.IPv6 has no checksum field.

IPv4 has a small address space.
IPv6 has a Large address space.

Q21. What is Subnet?

Ans. A subnetwork, or subnet, is a logical subdivision of an IP network. Or the method of dividing a network into or more networks is called subnetting.

Q22. What is the difference between Peer to Peer and Client-Server Networks?

Ans. In Peer to Peer network, all the computer works as a server means all the information have the same right for configurations. In Client-Server Networks some computer works as Server and have not right to changed on networks.

Q23. What are simplex, Helf Duplex, and Full-duplex?

Ans. Simplex: Simplex mode is a way to transfer data in one way.

Half Duplex: Half-duplex is a way to transfer the data on both ways but only transfer at once a time in one direction.

Full Duplex: Full duplex is a way to transfer the data in both ways at a time.

Q24. What is Unicasting?

Ans. Unicasting: Unicasting is a type of communication where data is sent from one computer to another. In Unicast communication there is only one sender and one receiver.

Q25. What is Internet? Briefly explain any three uses of Internet.

Ans. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that uses common communication standards and interfaces to provide the physical backbone for a number of interesting applications. Computers on the internet use remote server machines to share files and devices with the user machines.

The uses of the Internet are as follows:

  • Business : These organizations use Internet to provide complex financial databases. Meetings can be sheduled and conducted through video confrencing facility.
  • Forum for discussion : internet is sued as plateform for discussion with like mined people. Sevral professionals connect to various forums to discuss the latest techniques in their field of specialization.
  • Mailing letters : Electronics mail is one of the most populat features of the Internet. It allows you to send and received meassages free of cost. You can also attached picture, videos, sounds to your email meassage and send it to anyone around the world.

Q27. Differentiate between Bluetooth technology and Infrared wireless technology.

Ans. The difference between Bluetooth technology and Infrared wireless technology are followings-

Intended for data and voice communication.Intended for data communication.
Point to multipoint transmissions.Point to point transmission.
They do not require line-of-sight for transmission.They require line of sight for transmission.
Can penetrate solid objects.Cannot penetrate solid objects.
Device can be mobile.Both devices should be stationary.
Range 10 meters.Span very short distances.

Q28. What is the role of a transmission medium in a network?

Ans. Computer Network, being a communication system for computers requires one or more transmitters and receivers, a communication channel, and a message. data transmission occurs between transmitter and receivers over a transmission medium.

The computer and other devices that communicate with each other on a network are called nodes. Cables are the most medium for communication. Other mediums include Optical Fiber, Infrared, light beams, and Satellite signals.

Q29. What is Coaxial Cable? Write its advantages and disadvantages.

Ans. Coaxial cable consists of copper or aluminum wire wrapped with an insulating layer of flexible material. There is an inner conductor and outer conductor both separated by an insulator. The insulation layers help to minimize interference and distortion. The transmission speed range from 200 million to more than 500 million bits per second. It is widely used for cable television systems, office buildings, and other work-sites for local area networks.

Advantages :

  • Highly resistnce to signal interference.
  • high bandwidth.

Disadvantages :

  • It is difficult to install and not suitable for long distance networks.
  • The insulation of coaxial cable may degrade, which would result into the repacement of the cable.
  • It does not ensure date secutity as they can be tapped.

Q30. What is WiFi?

Ans. Wi-Fi is the name of popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. The Wi-Fi Alliance, the organization that owns the Wi-Fi term specifically defines Wi-Fi as Wireless Local Area Network products that are based on the institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers 802.11 standards.

Q31. What to consider before choosing the right Topology in Computer networks?

Ans. to choosing the right Topology keep your mind in following topics-

  • Cost efficency
  • Easy to manage and install
  • Security requirment
  • Fault Tolrence requirment

Q32. What do MPLS and WAN stand for?

Ans. MPLS stands for Multiprotocol Label Switching, and WAN stands for Wide Area Network.

Q33. Explain the functions of the OSI module.

Ans. The function of the OSI module are followings-

Functions of OSI module

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