5 Ways To Fix “The RPC server is unavailable”

Hey! If you want to fix the remote server issue ” The RPC server is unavailable, ” follow this article.

If the RPC server is unavailable it typically indicates a communication issue between your system and a remote server that provides Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services.

Server Down, Network Connectivity, Corrupted configuration files, or software conflicts on your system, Firewalls can sometimes block RPC traffic that might be possible causes of the error.

How to Fix The RPC server is unavailable?

To Fix the RPC server unavailable follow the below easy steps-

1. Verify Your Remote Server Status

This is the first step. You should verify the current status of your RPC server, which may be temporarily offline due to maintenance, technical issues, etc. If you have received the downtime email from the provider then wait to server back the online email.

2. Check Server Connectivity

PING stands for Packet Internet Groper’s most basic TCP/IP utility for stacks for most platforms. The PING command is used to find out if the host is responding and to find out if you can reach a host.

In other words, the PING command is used to check connectivity between two networking devices or nodes. You can do the PING from the host’s name or IP address of the host.

If you ping any station that has an IP address, the ICMP that’s part of that particular host’s TCP/IP stack will respond to the request. The ICMP test and response look something like this-


  • ping Hostname(www.conceptsall.com).
  • ping IP address (

Pinging conceptsall.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=276ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=272ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=272ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=271ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 271ms, Maximum = 276ms, Average = 272ms

3. Verfiry Firewall Rule on Client and Server End

To verify on the Client End-

STEP#1. Navigate to Control Panel.

STEP#2. Tap on Firewall Settings, and click on Check Allowed Programs.

STEP#3. Review Inbound and Outbound Rules and verify it.

To verify on the Server End

STEP#1. Navigate to Terminal and type – ufw status

STEP#2. To Modify Firewall Rules – use the following commands- ufw allow or iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport -j ACCEPT

4. Verify Server IP address and Port Number

Once you double-check your Server IP address and Port number might be entering the wrong IP address.

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