Hey! are you browsing to fix “the site can’t be reached DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” issue then this article is best for you. Just allow me some minutes and follow the steps.

Many Users notice that while opening some websites or opening a sharable link from OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. Then getting an error “This site can’t be reached” DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.
If your site is not reached and getting an error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN means you have DNS related issue. These problems come with different names in different browsers.
Google Chrome: In Google chrome, This site can’t be reached, “Server IP address could not be found“, followed by DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.
Mozilla Firefox: In Mozilla Firefox, this error will show “Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site” followed by we can’t connect to the server.
Safari: In Safari, this error will show “Safari can’t find the server “.
Microsoft Edge: In Microsoft Edge, This error will show Hmmm…can’t reach this Page.
How to Fix “the site can’t be reached DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” on Windows 10?
Table of Contents
1. Verify Your URL
We will start from the most basic reason. you might enter the wrong URL. You should verify your URL and refresh the page again.

If you have verified the URL that is working fine on another PC then might be another reason for an error “the site can’t be reached DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN”.
2. Change DNS Server Address
If your computer is using the internet through DHCP Server and by default, your ISP provider automatically assigned the DNS server. If your LAN is configured on automatically DNS server then change it on the Google DNS server address.
Google DNS is the best trick for solving “the site can’t be reached DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” error. Most of the cases will be resolved after update Google DNS.
To change DNS server in Windows OS Follow these easy steps-
- Navigate to Run, type NCPA.CPL and hit Enter.
- Right Click on Network Adapter and click on Properties.

3. Click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 and select Properties.
Select “Use the following DNS server address:”
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS:

4. Click on Ok.
3. Verify Your Hosts File Settings
Hosts File is a system file that stores in Windows or operating system installed drive for translate hostname to IP address. The file’s original name and extension are Hosts.txt.
Hosts file had been used by ARPANET to translate Hostname to IP address before DNS. In the latest Operating System, the hosts’ file is part of facilities such as the Name Service Switch for the primary method or as a fallback method.
Hosts files are also used to block Websites. If in your network you have not any Firewall or Router to block some websites for some selected users. You can easily block websites with Hosts File.
To Verify Your URL on Hosts File follow these easy steps-
- Click on Windows Tab.
- Type Notepad on Search Menu, Right Click, and select Run as Administrator.
- Navigate to File and Click on Open.
4. Now Browse the locations of Hosts File-

5. Open Hosts File, If your URL found block on Hosts File then remove the URL from lists.
How to Edit Hosts File on Windows?
4. Restart DNS Client Services
DNS Client is one of the services of Windows OS that used to store and manage information about domain and respond to domains and responde to resolutions to client. Resttart your DNS client services that can help to solve “”the site can’t be reached DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” error.
To Restart DNS Cleint Service follow these steps-
- Navigate to run type services.msc and press enter.
- Double Click on DNS if DNS services in automatic start status it’s ok, otherwise restart DNS client Services.
5. Release and Renew IP Address
If after DNS flush have the same issue “server IP address could not be found” then release and Renew the IP address
How to Release and Renew IP Address?
For release and renew follow following steps-
- Navigate to Start Menu and search CMD.
- Right Click on CMD and select RUN as Administrator.
- Type following command-
- ipconfig /flushdns- Used to DNS cache resolver.
- ipconfig /release- Used to release the IP address.
- ipconfig /renew – used to renew the IP address.
6. Run Internet Connection Troubleshooter
How to Run Internet Connection Troubleshooter?
For run Internet Connection Troubleshooter Follow Following steps-
- Navigate to Start Menu and Click on Settings.
- Search troubleshoot and Click on Troubleshoot.
- Select Internet Connection and Click on Run the Troubleshooter.
- Restart Your Computer.
It’s worked thanks for the help
Your all the articles is too helpful
thanks, Mr shatru ji