Top 50 Desktop Support Interview Questions and Answers with PDF

if you are in the IT field and want to the preparation for an interview then follow this article. in this article, we will know the Top 50 Desktop Support Interview Questions and Answers.

Desktop Support Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. What is Minimum requirement for Install Windows 10?

Ans. To Install Windows 10 need following minimum requirement-

TermsInternal Hardware)32 Bit-OS64 Bit-OS
Processor1 GHZ or Faster1 GHZ or Faster
RAM(Random Access Memory)1 GB2 GB
HDD(Hard Disk Drive)16 GB32 GB
Terms( Software and External Hardware)32 Bit-OS64 Bit-OS
Pendrive/DVD8 GB8 GB
ISO File and Bootable software.

How to Install Windows 10 from USB or DVD 2021

Q2. What is Event Viewer on Windows Operating System?

Ans. Event viewer is a tool of Windows Operating system to view error, Warning, Information, Audit Success, Audit Failure, etc.

More DetailsWhat is Event Viewer on Windows Operating System

Q3. What is Power On Self Test (Post)?

Ans. A Power on self Test is diagnostics programs to check Hardware components is working properly or not.

More DetailsPower On Self Test (Post)

Q4. What is an Operating System?

Ans. An operating system is the main concept of a computer. It brings users and computers as common platforms where they communicate with each other.

Q5. What is need for Expansion Card?

Ans. An expansion Card is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that can be placed on the Motherboard in the expansion slot. It is used to grant access to various peripheral devices or features, which are not inbuilt in a motherboard. Some example of expansion Card is NIC, AGP, etc.

Q6. What is the need for cache memory?

Ans. Cache memory is the high-speed storage memory made for Static RAM. The data when accessed for the first time is accessed from RAM. Then a copy of it is stored in cache memory. when the user tries to same data, the CPU then looks into a cache memory to see if it is available.

If the data is available in the cache memory it is called to cache. hit. if the dataneed by the user is not available in the cache memory, then again the CPU will have to access the main memory.

To make quick access, the frequently used data is stored in cache memory. So if the data is accessed again it is retrieved from the cache memory.

Q7. What is Plug and Play?

Ans.  Plug and Play Devices are a term used to describes a computer’s ability to have new devices added to it without having to reconfigure or restart the computer.

More Details- Plug and Play Devices: an Overview

Q8. What is the latest Processor in the Market currently Now?

Ans. The Following latest processor in the market are followings-

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
Intel Core i9-10900K Processor
Intel Core i9-10900KF Processor
Intel Core i9-10850K Processor
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
Intel Core i7-10700K Processor

Q9. What is POP3 used for?

Ans. Post Office Protocol used for retrieving the mail from the server or it is used from incoming mail.

Q10. What is the Default PORT number of POP3?

Ans. The default port number of POP3 is 110 for non-encrypted and for SSL/TLS POP3 uses port number 995.

Q11. What is SMTP used for?

Ans. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol used for sending the email.

Q12. What is the Default PORT number of SMTP?

Ans. The default Port number of SMTP is 25.

Q13. What is PST?

Ans. PST stands for Personal Storage Tables. It is created by outlook. Instead, You or any user can create it is store all your emails contacts calendar etc.

Q14. What is Safe Mode in Windows Operating System?

Ans. the safe mode allows users to essential system programs, application software, and services to start up at boot. The main intended for booting in a safe mode such as data backup removed malicious software and programs.

The purpose of Safe Mode is to allow, the user to troubleshoot Windows and try to solve the problem and do it correctly. Once you have corrected the problem, then you can reboot and Windows will start normally.

More Details3 ways to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode

Q15. What is Default Key for booting up your computer in Safe Mode?

Ans. In the Microsoft, environment is accessing by press F8 key as operating system boots and multiple operating system environments, First select operating system then after press F8. In Windows 10 press Ctrl+F8 key for safe mode.

Q16. What is CMOS?

Ans. A complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor is a form of read-only memory chip that gets its name from the way it is manufactured and not the information. CMOS chips are used to store data that is read by the BIOS to obtain information on Hardware configurations.

Q17. How to check connectivity between two computers in the Network?

Ans. To check connectivity between two computer in the Network use PING command.


  • ping Hostname(
  • ping IP address (

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=276ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=272ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=272ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=271ms TTL=49

Q18. How to check IP address of the computer using command?

Ans. To check the IP address of any device using the command line- IPCONFIG/All

Q19. What is DHCP Server?

Ans. Dynamic Host Control Protocol server is used to assigned automatic IP addresses to network hosts so they can communicate with each other. The DHCP server is too useful for large organizations because it’s not possible n to provide manually IP address on large organizations. DHCP server makes administration easy because you do not need to manged IP addresses to all computers, the DHCP server will handle itself.

Q20. What is DHCP Port number?

Ans. DHCP uses Port number 67 for providing services and 68 Port number for Listening.

Q21. What is DORA process in DHCP?

Ans. DHCP works on the DORA process which means- Discover, Offer, Request, and acknowledgement.

Q22. What is Scope?

Ans. DHCP scope is a range of IP address where the Dynamic Host control protocol server defied the range of IP address for clients. In DHCP scope we can configure Start IP address, END IP address, Network mask, or Subnet mask for clients, Default Gateway, or router gateway, DNS, and lease time for clients.

Q23. What is Lease Duration?

Ans.  Lease duration is a duration for the client where IP address automatically renews after lease time. The default lease duration of the server is 8 days.

Q24. What is Reservation?

Ans. DHCP reservation is reserved IP address for specific computers and devices where devices always have the same IP address. In DHCP Reservation We need to binds the IP address to the MAC address permanently till reservation removed.

Q25. What is Exclusion Range?

Ans. DHCP exclusion range is the range of IP address where exclusion range IP address not assigned for clients. Exclusion Range IP address can be used for assigned the IP address for another server manually.

Q26. What is Super Scope?

Ans. Groups of scope is called Super scope.

Q27. Which command used for restart DHCP server?

Ans. Restart-service dhcpserver

Q28. What is DNS Server?

Ans. Domain Name Server is one of the main server in commuter networking that used to translate IP to name and name to IP.

More Details:- What is DNS Server: Domain Name System

Q29. What is the use of SOA, NS, AAA, CNAME MX record in DNS?

Ans. The uses of above DNs record is followings-

  • SOA – To create New Zone.
  • NS – To break Domain to Sub-domain.
  • AAA- Uses for Host Record uses to link a domain name to an IP address.
  • CNAME – Uses to create alias name of the record.
  • MX – mail exchanged records that used to configure your email direct server to Domain.

Q30. What is Active Directory?

Ans. Active Directory is a centralized database of Users and Groups, Computers, Resources, and Services. In other words, Active Directory is a centralized collection of objects like Users, Groups. Computers and Resources.

More Deatils:- What is Active Directory: An Overview

Q31. How to Fix if any User getting Black Screen issue?

Ans. To Fix Black Screen Issue follow followig steps-

Q32. How many layers are there in the OSI Module?

Ans. There are seven layers in OSI Reference Module-

  • Application Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Session Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Data Link layer
  • Physical Layer

Q33. Gateway works at which layer of OSI Module?

Ans. Gateway Works on OSI of Transport Layer.

Q34. What is backbone Network?

Ans. A backbone is a centralized infrastructure that is designed to distribute different routes and data to various networks.

Q35. What is LAN?

Ans. Local Area Network- Refers to a connection between computers and other network devices that are located within a small physical location.

Q36. What is a WAN?

Ans. A Wide Area Network is Telecommunication Network or that extends over a large geographical distance.

Q37. What is a Router?

Ans. Router is network device that used to communicate between two different types of Network.

Q38. What is RAS?

Ans. Remote Access Services- Refers to the combination of hardware and software to enable remote access tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices.

Q39. What is a Network Topology?

Ans. A network Topology is the physical structure of a Network that defined how many devices connected to the network.

Q40. How many layers in TCP/IP network reference Module?

Ans. There are four layer in TCP/IP Network reference Module –

  • Network Layer
  • Internet Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Application layer

Q41. What is RIP?

Ans. Routing Information Protocol – it is a dynamic routing protocol used by routers to send data from one network to another.

Q42. What is a Network Firewall?

Ans. A Firewall is the main component of a Network Device that used to prevent external attacks. Managing the network and resources.

Q43. What is an IP address?

Ans. An IP address is a unique address of any network device via they can communicate each other and share the information.

More DetailsWhat is an IP Address: an Overview

Q44. What is the straight-through cable?

Ans. A Straight-through cable is a type of twisted pair cable that uses to connect between two different types of devices. Such as Switch to computer, Computer to IP Phone, etc.

Q45. What is the Cross Over cable?

Ans. A Cross Over Cable is a type of twisted pair cable that uses to connect between the same type of Devices. Such as Router to Router, Switch to Switch, etc.

Q46. what is Different between Domain and Workgroup?

Ans. The Different between Domain and Workgroup are followings-


  • It is a centralized Network Module.
  • One Person can manage the domain and resources.
  • Good For large Network.
  • The computer can be connected to any Network.


  • It is a decentralized network.
  • Every user manages the resources individually on their PCs.
  • Good For small Network.
  • All the computers should be connected to the same LAN.

Q47. How to Fix BSOD error “PC ran into a problem and need to be restart?

Ans. To Fix BSOD error “PC ran into a problem and need to be restart” following steps-

  1. Disconnect External Device.
  2. Run Computer in Safe Mode & Recovery.
  3. Disable Automatically Restart.
  4. Restore your system using Restore points.
  5. Scan system From File Checker.
  6. Update Windows security and update.
  7. Scan Your Computer.

Q48. What is the Port Number of Telnet?

Ans. 23

Q49. What is the Default Port number FTP?

Ans. 21

Q50. How to configure outlook?

Ans. To configure Outlook follow the below steps by clicking on links-

How to configure outlook

Desktop support interview Questions and Answers PDF Free Download

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